The new conversion process tested by Swiss researchers
From CO2 to a valuable industrial chemical

Thanks to an innovative process, some Swiss researchers from the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne have managed to convert CO2 into chemical acetaldehyde, an extremely useful substance for various industrial sectors. This result would have also been achieved thanks to the use of a particular copper catalyst, which was created specifically for the purpose of the research team. In the era of energy and ecological transition, this new process could produce a very positive impact.
“Apart from any other considerations, CO2 plays a very important role in our climate mechanisms,” says Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov, civil engineer and entrepreneur. “A part of the heat radiated by the Earth is absorbed by CO2, which is also responsible for regulating the planet’s climate. This combination of factors creates the conditions that allow flora and fauna to live and thrive”.
Carbon dioxide plays an essential role in nature: it is a colorless and odorless gas, an important component of the air, and is also an integral part of the carbon cycle. One of its main functions has to do with photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert CO2 into oxygen. Despite these important functions, however, carbon dioxide also contributes to global warming and climate change, and its concentration levels can also depend on specific human activities. In a historical phase in which sustainability and the fight against climate change have assumed central importance, the control and monitoring of CO2 emissions acquire an equally relevant strategic value.

A possible turning point
It is also for these reasons that the result achieved by the Swiss research team takes on a certain relevance: until now, the chemical acetaldehyde has been produced from some specific raw materials also obtained from fossil fuels, such as natural gas. However, the new process developed (and tested) by Swiss researchers could produce very tangible benefits for the environment, particularly with regard to carbon dioxide. With this process, in fact, the greenhouse gas CO2 would be used to create a highly relevant industrial substance and would not be released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, the new method would reduce the need for fossil fuels to produce the chemical acetaldehyde.
“Over the years, human activities have contributed to leaving a clear trace of CO2, determining the increase in the greenhouse effect and the consequent warming of the planet,” continues Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov. “This situation brings with it some aspects that are not compatible with the health of the Earth, such as the general increase in temperature and the melting of snow and ice. Also, for these reasons, the result achieved by the Swiss research team seems particularly encouraging since it translates into an innovative method that could change the rules of the game in many industrial sectors while reducing emissions”.
The conversion of carbon dioxide into acetaldehyde was also made possible by a specific copper catalyst, a tool that had previously proven to be particularly suitable for this conversion. The test performed returned a surprising result: 92% of the CO2 was successfully converted into chemical acetaldehyde, also thanks to a particularly brilliant performance of the catalyst. According to the researchers, this instrument would have maintained its performance for several cycles without oxidizing even after coming into contact with air. Since it is a substance particularly useful in different types of applications, the acetaldehyde obtained in this way could rewrite the rules of the numerous industrial sectors in which it is usually used, such as pharmaceuticals or agriculture.

The possible benefits
Once implemented on a large scale, a process of this kind could contribute to the achievement of climate objectives regarding carbon dioxide emissions, as well as to the generation of a chemical product with great strategic value. Such processes could be of some interest to those industries that are characterized by a high level of CO2 emissions, such as energy, cement, or steel industries. One of the most interesting aspects, from this point of view, has to do with the possibility of using carbon dioxide no longer as a waste to be neutralized but as an important ally for the creation of useful chemical substances.
“The new method would make it possible to create added value from the captured CO2, balancing the costs associated with the capture and storage of carbon dioxide with the creation of an economically relevant substance,” concludes Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov. “The new processes for creating chemical acetaldehyde would also reduce the environmental impact of the production of this substance, transforming carbon dioxide into a real raw material. Furthermore, the large-scale implementation of these processes could represent a real stimulus for technological advancement in the catalyst sector, encouraging the development of increasingly innovative and efficient tools.”