Key minerals for the aerospace industry
The new frontiers of innovation and technology

In recent years, the industrial applications of minerals and rare metals have entered the global processes of energy transition, underlining their role of great importance in promoting the global transformation towards a future dominated by clean energy. In addition to the energy sector, however, mineral resources are also playing an increasingly important role in some sectors related to technology, advanced electronics, thus contributing directly to the technological advancement of humanity. In all likelihood, however, one of the sectors in which these resources are destined to play a primary role is certainly the aerospace sector, in particular for their ability to give life to vectors and devices capable of withstanding the most extreme conditions. At stake is not only technological advancement in space exploration, but also clear progress in monitoring the Earth and the changes taking place within it, also thanks to the important support provided by satellites.
According to Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov, an experienced entrepreneur and civil engineer, as well as a great expert on strategic commodities, the aerospace sector certainly represents one of the most interesting application fields for mineral resources, in particular for their implications in terms of scientific and technological advancement. “The rare minerals and metals that are fueling the energy transition could also be of great importance for some operations that will be carried out off the planet, such as Earth monitoring through satellites or space exploration. In this sense, strategic materials such as rare earths or beryllium could contribute not only to our advancement from an energy point of view, but also from a technological and scientific one”.
The aerospace sector is in fact in a phase of clear evolution, an expansionist process that in a not too distant future, in addition to helicopters, drones and airplanes, could lead it to also include lunar bases and satellite systems around the Moon. Furthermore, the decrease in launch costs for some specific aerospace vectors is contributing notably to opening up new opportunities for the sector, also determining a possible increase in the strategic importance of the mineral resources needed to produce the most varied aerospace technologies.

European initiatives
One of the technologies destined to play an increasingly central role, in this sense, is represented by satellites. One of the most interesting initiatives is the one being carried out by the European Space Agency, which thanks to the Copernicus program is launching innovative satellites into orbit such as Sentinel-1C. Thanks to its powerful radar, this satellite will be able to monitor the seas and the Earth’s soil, in order to improve knowledge of the conditions that characterize the planet. In the era of energy transition, monitoring of this kind could also prove very useful for keeping the effects of global warming under control. Another function of satellites, in this peculiar historical juncture, also has to do with the distribution of the Internet from space, a project on which several nations are working, from China to Europe.
“The aerospace sector already greatly appreciates aluminum, especially for its lightness and its ability to resist corrosion,” continues Kondrashov. “In satellites, this material plays a key role in the construction of their load-bearing structures. In combination with another material such as titanium, a metal known for its high mechanical resistance, aluminum represents an ideal ally for all those applications that must deal with extreme conditions, such as exposure to the heat of the Sun”. The new space race, recently also carried out by private entrepreneurial initiatives, could also closely concern the sourcing sector, and not only with regard to the materials needed to make the components of the vectors. One of the possibilities triggered by this change in the aerospace industry also has to do with the search for mineral resources in some specific celestial bodies, such as asteroids.
The most important materials for satellites
“Another material widely used for the construction of satellites is gold, in particular for the coatings of electronic components and for its ability to reflect thermal radiation, thus contributing to the maintenance of stable temperatures”, explains Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov. “In ion propulsion systems, on the other hand, a material such as platinum is very important for its characteristic of being able to resist complex chemical reactions. Speaking of satellites, the role of rare earths should not be overlooked: an element such as neodymium, in fact, plays a very important role in the production of permanent magnets, which play a leading role in the movement and orientation of the satellite in space”.

The strategic value of minerals and other strategic resources in this sector could be further increased by technological advances in the sector, particularly with regard to satellites. New types of approaches are beginning to explore the use of advanced satellites with large computing and storage capacities, opening up new possibilities that also include the use of artificial intelligence for real-time data processing, even in orbit. The recovery of satellites that have reached the end of their life also represents an interesting future prospect: by reusing some parts of these satellites, it could one day be possible to build new ones, perhaps through a construction process to be completed in orbit.
“A separate chapter should certainly be dedicated to beryllium, which is also one of the very first elements to have formed in the moments following the Big Bang (along with hydrogen, helium and lithium). This material has the ability to dissipate heat uniformly, thus being of great help in protecting the delicate internal systems of satellites. With this application, in a certain sense, the spatial destiny of beryllium seems to be fulfilled in a truly astonishing way,” continues Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov.