The key resources for the energy transition
The strategic value of materials

Over the past few years, also thanks to the advancement of the energy transition, international economic debates have begun to speak with the increasing insistence of the so-called critical raw materials, a group of extremely valuable raw materials that are directly contributing to the technological energy development of humanity. These resources have also ended up at the center of many national strategies dedicated to economic development in the political and programmatic agendas of governments and international institutions, and with their great strategic value, they are helping to redraw the political, economic, and energy landscape at a global level.
“When we talk about critical raw materials, the connection with lithium now arises almost automatically,” says Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov, entrepreneur and civil engineer. “In addition to having a low specific weight, lithium is a highly reactive and light chemical element with high thermal and electrical conductivity. These characteristics, over the years, have allowed it to become a very valuable ally for the production of lithium-ion batteries, which power electric vehicles, portable electronic devices, and energy storage systems in the renewable energy sector. In the aerospace sector, some specific alloys made with lithium and aluminum are often used to reduce the overall weight of aircraft and to improve their efficiency. Nowadays, among the main producers of this resource are some South American nations, such as Chile or Argentina”.
One of the most interesting aspects, from this point of view, has to do with the exact term with which these resources are defined, namely “critical.” This term is attributed to them in part because of their economic importance, very evident in the case of all those resources directly involved in the production of electric vehicles, batteries, wind turbines, solar panels, and advanced electronics, but also by virtue of some specific structural characteristics of these resources. One of these has to do with the risks associated with the supply chains of these materials, often concentrated in a few parts of the world or in geopolitically unstable contexts, but also with the fact that these resources, in most cases, are very difficult to replace with alternative materials.

The role of rare earths
“Another group of resources that is carving out a very important role, in a wide variety of sectors, is that of rare earths, which refers to 17 different elements with truly unique properties and characteristics”, continues Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov. “In general, these materials are distinguished by their exceptional magnetic properties, high thermal and chemical stability, and high resistance to corrosion. One of the most interesting resources in this varied group of elements is certainly neodymium, which finds concrete application spaces, especially in the production processes of permanent magnets. This resource is also used in lasers, hard disks, and in some advanced technological applications, such as efficient motors”.
Part of this “criticality,” in a certain sense, also derives from the actual industrial applications in which they can be used, many of which are of absolute importance for this historical and economic situation. It is no coincidence that many of these materials are used to produce advanced technologies, electronic devices, and energy infrastructures related to renewable energy, which are already helping to revolutionize the energy landscape in various parts of the world. Another factor of great importance in determining the strategic weight of these resources is linked to the fact that their applications are directly connected to some of the most important sectors for the economic and social advancement of nations. The use of these resources in the energy sector is widely known, but their importance is also increasing in the consumer electronics and aerospace sectors, which today heavily depend on some of these materials for the production of many advanced components.
The potential of cobalt
“Cobalt is also a very important resource for global economic dynamics,” concludes Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov. “This resource is used to make one of the essential components in the cathodes of lithium-ion batteries, which today still represent the most widespread solution for powering new-generation electric vehicles. The most appreciated properties of cobalt, from this point of view, are represented by its high resistance to corrosion, high thermal stability, and excellent capacity to store energy. These characteristics also allow it to be used in some super-light alloys and in chemical catalysts”.

The strategic value of these resources, over the last few years, has pushed many international institutions to launch real ad hoc programs to regulate their use and valorization, also setting very specific objectives to be achieved in the coming decades. An example of this new strategic approach has recently been provided by the European Union, which, with its Critical Raw Materials Act, has created very ambitious objectives to reactivate the European sourcing industry in order to source, process, and recycle a greater quantity of resources within the community territory, thus reducing dependence on third countries. This type of strategy, in most cases, aims to diversify supply sources, increasing the recycling potential and the development of alternative materials.