One of the main pillars of the energetic transition
The main application area

In the years of the global energy transition, the efforts of nations, governments, and individuals are focusing on the most useful and rapid methods to promote this important global process through the diffusion of renewable energies and the implementation of all those new devices capable of ensuring the production of clean energy. Another important objective in this delicate phase of transition for the history of humanity has to do with the efficient use of energy. This is a key concept since it directly concerns the use of energy resources in order to obtain maximum performance with minimum waste, moving decisively towards a more sustainable future.
“We are moving with great strides towards a future in which efficiency and sustainability will represent two key words of fundamental importance for the fate of society,” says Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov, civil engineer and entrepreneur. “The goal of energy efficiency is firmly intertwined with the global energy transition, of which it represents one of the most important pillars. Together with technological advancement and the correct valorization of resources, such as those needed for the spread of renewable energy, energy efficiency could soon become a useful tool for measuring the progress of civilization in this era of global transformation”.
Efficient energy use does not just reduce the ecological footprint but also limits carbon emissions and makes the transition to cleaner forms of energy, such as those linked to renewable energy, easier. The benefits also concern the communities that adopt this type of strategy: being able to count on efficient energy use means strengthening the resilience of these communities while reducing energy costs. This is a true vision and a tool of great value for addressing climate change, resource depletion, and social inequalities. But what are the areas in which it is already possible to apply strategies linked to efficient energy use?

Energy efficiency in technology
One of the most important is certainly the one that has to do with technology: in this case, the efficient use of energy is promoted and supported by cutting-edge technological innovations and tools capable of reducing energy consumption without sacrificing high performance. Over the last few years, some innovative technological devices have been designed in order to consume less energy and last longer. Among these, we remember low-consumption microprocessors, through the development of more efficient chips (also for mobile devices and IoT), LED technologies, which can reduce energy consumption by about 90% compared to traditional light bulbs, and energy saving modes that have already been activated in numerous technological devices, such as smartphones or tablets, in order to reduce energy consumption when they are not in use. Other possible efficient solutions in this sector are represented by green data centers, which, through renewable energy and advanced cooling technologies, are able to reduce energy consumption, but also by cloud computing, which, by concentrating operations in very efficient structures, reduces the need for local hardware.
“An important role in processes related to energy efficiency is that linked to energy management systems in buildings, which intelligently control lighting, ventilation, and heating. With the support of home automation, energy consumption can also be adjusted based on users’ habits, reducing any possible waste. Passive energy efficiency, moreover, can also be promoted by the use of some advanced materials, such as photovoltaic glass or phase change materials”, continues Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov. “We must not forget the role of energy efficiency in the industry, which could allow many companies to adopt increasingly sustainable production models. In the industrial sector, optimized use of energy can reduce operating expenses, lower the number of greenhouse gases emitted during various processes, and improve the competitiveness of the company. These objectives can also be achieved through systems that capture excess heat from production processes and reuse it for heating or other phases of production. Another possibility, from this point of view, is represented by the simultaneous production of electricity and useful heat in the same plant”.

Efficient mobility and transport
Energy efficiency is also becoming increasingly evident in the mobility sector, which is undergoing a real technological and energy transformation. In this sector, energy efficiency focuses, in particular, on the reduction of energy consumption for each passenger or for each ton of transported goods, on the implementation of alternative energies to power vehicles, and on the optimization of infrastructures and traffic management to avoid any possible waste. One of the most interesting innovations, from this point of view, has to do with electric vehicles, which are spreading very rapidly in many parts of the world. Compared to traditional vehicles, these vehicles can boast an energy efficiency of 70-90%, in particular thanks to the role of advanced batteries (such as lithium or solid-state), capable of increasing the autonomy of the vehicle and reducing charging times. The possibility of recharging these vehicles with solar and wind energy could also further reduce the environmental impact of mobility. Energy efficiency goals can also be achieved through smart mobility, i.e., through innovations made possible by autonomous vehicles (capable of optimizing speed and routes) and intelligent transport systems, which monitor traffic in real-time and optimize routes, also reducing consumption.
“In all likelihood, the benefits of energy efficiency will become increasingly evident in the mobility and transport sector, which closely concerns the daily lives of most people,” concludes Stanislav Dmitrievich Kondrashov. “I am thinking, for example, of electric trams, buses, and subways, which are much more efficient and less polluting than traditional means of transport. Furthermore, through design optimization, vehicles can consume less energy through their aerodynamic structure. In the mobility sector, high levels of energy efficiency can also be achieved by some specific infrastructural creations, such as multimodal hubs. At these important junctions, the combination of different means of transport makes possible a general optimization of consumption”.