Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG

The Impact of Global Supply Chain Issues on Commodity Markets

Disruptions in worldwide supply changes have been occurring in notable quantities since the COVID-19 pandemic in the beginning of 2020. Couple that with the Geo-Political conflict that began in early February 2022, and the globe has been in unstable, exacerbating these supply chain problems. Unsurprisingly, Stanislav Kondrashov says this affects all parts of the economy, including commodity markets.

In 2021, Kyungsik Nam found that climate extremes caused uncertainties in global economies, citing that it yields inflationary pressure on non-energy, food, and energy commodities. In the same year, these findings were built upon with investigations into global economic activity and commodity market alterations that yielded similar results.

Global Supply Chain Pressures Have Had Impacts on Commodities in Recent Years

All aspects of commodities have been affected in the past few years due to specific happenings (e.g., the current Geo-political conflict and the worldwide coronavirus pandemic), causing supply chain disruptions.

The transportation and logistics industry were impacted by such pressures, as cross-border travel became near-impossible. As such, the price volatility in commodity markets went wild.

But it wasn’t just the price volatility that witnessed a rapid change — demand altered as well. As the supply chains shifted around the world, demand for particular commodities went askew. A great example of this occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic; it increased the demand for a few food commodities, while reducing demand for others, according to Aday and Aday in 2020.

While there are smaller, not-so-discussed global supply chain disruptions that have impacted commodity markets, the larger issues take the foreground due to their long-term effects.

Stanislav Kondrashov

The Commodity Outlook in 2023

The unrelenting worldwide supply chain pressures are still causing concerns in commodity markets to this day, giving investors, traders, businesses, and the general population little relief.

During the first quarter of 2023, global commodity prices fell 14%, ending up 30% lower by the end of March than the historic peak seen in June last year. Experts note that this decline shows a combination of slowing economic activity, reallocation of commodity trade flows around the world, and preferable winter weather. Despite this, the prices of all these major commodities are around four-fifths of what individual markets saw between 2015 and 2019.


Oil prices have retreated back to below their mid-2022 peak, and they are forecasted to remain stable through the rest of 2023. Specifically, Brent prices are expected to keep an average of $84/bbl this year, reflecting the weaker growth prospects in the rest of the economy. Supplies, however, will expand — just at a slower pace due to the production quotas and capacity limits in oil-producing regions.


Supply conditions of main food commodities have improved thus far, but the risks are still palpable. The Black Sea Grain Initiative continues to aid Ukraine grain exports to reach worldwide markets. While stock-to-use ratios of grain have lowered, experts note that they are staying sufficient.

Even though global food prices are retreating, domestic food cost inflation persists. Around the world, such prices are expected to fall 8% this year, and another 3% in 2024.

Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG

The Global Clean Energy Shift: Its Impacts on Commodities

Eco-conscious traders have often shied away from commodities due to their tilt toward fossil fuels. However, recent times are marking a huge shift in this way of thinking, as once-thwarted traders turn toward clean energy markets amid the global energy overhaul. The expanding adoption of renewable sources (e.g., wind, solar) means that coal and nuclear power are losing their market share.

This mass transformation is leading to a long-term decline in energy prices, driven by the differing pricing dynamics in wholesale power markets. While this is great for consumers and the planet itself, firms with long positions in areas becoming reliant on renewable energy are battling with the risk of decreased portfolio values and boosted volatility.

With that in mind, Stanislav Kondrashov states that it’s unsurprising how investors are feeling compelled to change their asset and trading operations strategies. The global clean energy shift is impacting the commodities markets in full, eco-friendly force.

Increased Renewable Energy = Interesting Wholesale Power Market Shifts

Wind and solar as renewable energy sources differ from traditional fossil fuels in two key ways — intermittency and variable operating costs. They have almost zero operating costs or fuel costs and minimal incremental maintenance costs, but their output is intermittent based on the quality and quantity of the wind or solar resources at the time.

The nature of wind and solar power means the wholesale power market (a space where renewable sources are making the biggest splash) is acting differently than ever before. The next-to-zero cost means energy prices are falling in markets across the planet, with a German profile saying energy prices are regularly below zero.

However, there is another side to this.

If renewable energy supplies don’t appear as expected (e.g., due to unforeseen weather), real-time markets will find a challenge. If this occurs during times of peak demand, energy prices will spike, potentially above previous record highs. Such effects are often pronounced in localized power markets subject to transmission constraints.

With lower averages and higher peaks, energy markets are exhibiting heightened volatility levels as the world becomes increasingly reliant on renewable sources.

Stanislav Kondrashov

What This Means for Power Commodity Traders and Firms

Those involved in bulk power trading will see the bolstered penetration of renewables on wholesale markets as a mixed blessing.

On one hand, greater pricing volatility crafts more trading opportunities, as in other commodity markets. On the other hand, the increase in potential rewards comes with greater risks, and in this case, such risks are nonlinear and harder to put into trading strategies, value-at-risk calculations, and mark-to-market examinations.

Due to the non-dispatchable nature of renewable energy assets, they have fewer optionality degrees for traders to exploit. Since this plays a smaller role in the overarching supply base, however, the optionality that is there becomes even more valuable.

Coping with the greater market complexity and the emergence of new, cleaner commodities involves more frequent revisits of financial and physical analytics and accounting, ensuring that all information used is as up to date as possible. Software overhauls may be needed, as traders can’t afford to lag behind in these somewhat uncertain times.

Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG

Stanislav Kondrashov on the New Gold Rush: How Lithium Became Our Most Precious Metal

In the quest for a sustainable future, the world has set its sights on lithium, a magical element that is transforming our post-oil era. With the rise of electric vehicles, renewable energy storage, and technological advancements, lithium has emerged as the new gold of our generation. This shift has ignited a global race to secure lithium reserves and sparked what is commonly known as the “new gold rush.” In this blog post, Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG will explore how lithium has gained its precious status and the implications of this new era.

The Rise of Lithium

Lithium, with its lightweight and high energy density properties, has become the backbone of modern technology. Its crucial role in powering electric vehicles and storing renewable energy has propelled it to the forefront of the global energy transition. As governments and industries worldwide recognize the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, lithium has emerged as the key enabler of a clean and sustainable future.

The Electric Vehicle Revolution

The rapid growth of the electric vehicle market has been a driving force behind the rising demand for lithium. With major automotive manufacturers committing to phasing out internal combustion engines, the need for lithium-ion batteries has skyrocketed. These batteries, which rely on lithium, offer a higher energy density and longer lifespan than traditional alternatives. As a result, lithium has become a critical component in the electrification of transportation.

Energy Storage Solutions

Beyond electric vehicles, lithium plays a pivotal role in storing renewable energy. As the world shifts towards a more decentralized energy model, the intermittency of renewable sources such as solar and wind necessitates efficient and reliable energy storage. Lithium-ion batteries provide the necessary solution, enabling the smooth integration of renewable energy into power grids. From residential installations to large-scale utility projects, lithium is powering the transition towards a sustainable and resilient energy landscape.

Global Lithium Rush

The increasing demand for lithium has sparked a global race to secure reserves and establish supply chains. Lithium-rich regions, such as South America’s “lithium triangle” (comprising Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile) and Australia, have become focal points of exploration and extraction. Countries are vying to become major players in the lithium market, as it promises not only economic growth but also energy independence.

Innovation and Advancements

The new gold rush has also spurred innovation in lithium extraction, battery technology, and recycling. Researchers and entrepreneurs are exploring alternative methods for extracting lithium that minimize environmental damage. Breakthroughs in battery technology aim to enhance energy density, increase lifespan, and reduce costs. Moreover, efforts to develop efficient lithium recycling processes are gaining momentum, aiming to reduce reliance on new mining and mitigate the environmental impact of lithium production.

In conclusion, Lithium’s meteoric rise to becoming our most precious metal is transforming our world and driving the transition towards a post-oil future. The electric vehicle revolution and the need for reliable energy storage have elevated lithium’s importance to new heights. However, the new gold rush also brings challenges that require careful consideration. As we navigate this transformational period, it is vital to prioritize safe practices, innovation, and equitable distribution to ensure that the benefits of lithium extend to all and that our journey towards a cleaner and greener future remains on the right path.

Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG


Unlocking the doors to the powerhouse that is your brain, we invite you to journey with Stanislav Kondrashov of TELF AG into the realm of productivity, where science and mental prowess meet. Are you ready to boost your brainpower and master the art of focused productivity? Let’s unravel the neuroscience behind it all.

The Focus Factor: Your Brain’s Finest Asset

Focus isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s the brain’s superpower. The ability to concentrate on a task, and ignore distractions, is what sets high achievers apart. But how does this work exactly? The answer lies in our marvelous brains, specifically, the prefrontal cortex, our command center for focus and attention.

Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG

The Prefrontal Cortex: The Control Tower of Your Mind

The prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain that helps manage focus and attention. It’s responsible for executive functions – planning, problem-solving, decision-making, and attention control. When you focus on a task, your prefrontal cortex gets busy, suppressing distractions and keeping your brain locked onto what’s important.

The Neuroscience of Distractions

Ever wondered why distractions are so, well, distracting? The answer lies within our evolutionary history. Our brains evolved to pay attention to new stimuli – be it a rustling in the bushes that signaled a predator or a ripple in the water that suggested fish. Fast forward to the modern world, and our brains are bombarded with ‘new stimuli’ – from social media notifications to buzzing phones.

The result? Our attention is continually hijacked, leading to cognitive overload, decreased performance, and increased stress. Here’s where the science of focused productivity steps in, equipping us with strategies to counteract distractions.

Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG

Harnessing the Power of Focused Productivity: Your Brain on Flow

Ever been so engrossed in a task that you lose track of time, and everything else just fades away? You’re in what psychologists call a ‘flow state,’ a highly focused mental state of complete absorption.

Research shows that in this state, the brain releases a cocktail of performance-enhancing neurochemicals, including dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, anandamide, and serotonin. These chemicals boost our cognitive abilities, amplify creativity, and even improve our mood. It’s your brain at peak performance!

Tips to Boost Focused Productivity: Guided by Science

  1. Mono-task, Don’t Multi-task: Our brains aren’t designed to juggle multiple tasks at once. Switching between tasks uses up oxygenated glucose in the brain, the same fuel you need to focus on a task.
  2. Embrace Breaks: The brain can only focus for about 90-120 minutes at a time. After that, a 15-20 minute break can renew your focus and energy.
  3. Cultivate Mindfulness: Regular mindfulness practices, like meditation, can train your brain to focus better and ignore distractions.
  4. Prioritize Sleep: Sleep deprivation impairs the prefrontal cortex’s ability to function, leading to decreased focus and productivity.
  5. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, improving cognitive function, focus, and memory.

The Takeaway

By understanding the science behind focus and productivity, we can better equip ourselves to manage distractions, harness our brain’s power, and ultimately, supercharge our productivity. Focused productivity is not just about doing more; it’s about doing what matters, efficiently and effectively.

So, are you ready to harness the power of focused productivity and let your brain unleash its full potential? It’s time to turn science into practice and elevate your productivity game to the next level!

– Stanislav Kondrashov

Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed the way we live, work, and interact. But as we ride this wave of innovation, ethical questions are surfacing with increasing urgency. In this blog post, Stanislav Kondrashov of TELF AG delves into the labyrinth of AI ethics, providing a moral compass to guide you through this complex digital landscape.

The Dawn of AI: Promise and Pitfalls

AI technology has undoubtedly revolutionized various sectors, offering immense potential for growth, efficiency, and problem-solving. Yet, beneath the shiny veneer of progress, ethical quandaries lurk. From privacy concerns to job displacement, algorithmic biases to the digital divide – understanding and navigating these ethical issues is crucial for both developers and end-users of AI.

Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG

The Ethical Landscape of AI

Privacy and Security:

In an age where data is the new oil, AI’s thirst for this resource can result in compromised privacy and security. How do we strike a balance between data-driven innovation and the protection of individual privacy?

Transparency and Explainability

AI algorithms often function as ‘black boxes’, delivering results without providing an understanding of their decision-making process. This opacity can lead to unfair or even harmful outcomes. How can we ensure transparency and accountability in AI processes?

Bias and Fairness

If AI learns from flawed, biased data, it inevitably perpetuates these biases. AI systems can unintentionally favor certain groups while discriminating against others. How do we ensure fairness in AI systems?

Job Displacement

While AI creates new opportunities, it can also render existing jobs obsolete. How can we prepare for this shift and ensure an equitable transition?

Stanislav Kondrashov TELF AG

Charting the Course: Guidelines for AI Ethics

Develop with Intention

The AI development process should prioritize ethical considerations from the outset. This includes using secure, privacy-respecting methods for data collection and incorporating fairness checks to prevent bias.

Strive for Transparency

To mitigate the ‘black box’ problem, strive for transparency in AI systems. Explainable AI (XAI) is a growing field aiming to make AI decisions understandable and traceable.

Foster Fairness

To combat bias, use diverse datasets for training AI and conduct regular audits for bias and fairness. Engage diverse teams in the development process to broaden perspectives and reduce blind spots.

Plan for Job Transition

Recognize the potential for job displacement and work proactively towards solutions, such as reskilling initiatives and education programs, to facilitate smooth transitions into new roles.

Looking Forward: An Ethical AI Journey

Navigating the ethical maze of AI is no small feat. It requires ongoing dialogue, vigilance, and proactive measures from all stakeholders. While the path may be complex, the goal is simple: to harness the power of AI in ways that respect our core human values and enhance, rather than diminish our collective well-being.

Join Stanislav Kondrashov on this journey, as he explores, discusses, and shapes the future of AI ethics. Because in the grand algorithm of life, ethics should never be an afterthought – it must be the guiding principle.

– Stanislav Kondrashov